Mas a preparação já começou.
Olhem à vossa volta e leia isto:
1 - Acording to Daniel Prophecy, the antichrist will reign for a period of 7 years, divided in two periods, of three and a half years.
2 - I think this 7 year period will begin in December 2022, why?
a) In the year 2026, June 6 (notice the 6,6,6, symbolic strong here) there will be a major event acording to this view (i think the author is someone conected to Artificial Inteligence, central banker or international inteligentia, warning us)
Also, Dr. Zelenko mentioned "2026 as the year of the colapse of the system (social security and medicare) wich create a tsunami effect in global economy" and "Schwabb said in 2016, that in ten years, right before the collapse (2026) 7 billion people will tag with digital tracking devices, biometric sensors wich transmit biometric data for a third party"
b) If June 6, 2026 is true, note that this apocalyptic day is around the middle of the year, (but NOT IN THE MIDDLE), it will divide the 7 years Tribulation of Daniel's prophecy in the two periods of the three and a half years (also there will be a major solar eclipse in August 2026)
c) So, the first period of the antichrist, of 3 years and a half, wil begin in the 6 of December of 2022 - after the midterms. There's something planned for the midterms to rise the antichrist, wich we know is a system, not only a man of sin (or destruction, Schwabb, Hillary); to beggin this system, they need a major open cyberattack, or a dramatic false flag, to the midterms to justify not only the electoral fraud in 2020, also the new antichrist system to control everyone and send Trump supporters, christians to FEMA camps: stadiuns, malls, schools - if Harris will replace Biden after a false flag assassination , and Hillary will replace Harris, imagine who will be THE MAN of sin to deceive all !
From Wikipedia: "In a Christmas 2018 interview on Russian state television, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow warned that "The Antichrist is the person that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling all of humanity. That means that the structure itself poses a danger (...) if we don't want to bring on the apocalypse."
3 - Acording to the Hal Turner Radio Show,
I quote, "Israel led a 10-country, simulation of a major cyberattack on the world's financial system by "sophisticated" players, with the goal of minimizing the damage to banks and financial markets. Some observers think they're prepping for what they know is coming because THEY will be the ones doing the attacks!"
4 - The prophecy of Daniel, talks about the 10 horns wich are 10 nations, and in this exercice included "representatives from 10 countries/nations, the US, UK, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Thailand", also the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. (NATO started with 10 countries, EEC started with 10 countries).
5 - It means that the antichrist will be instaled in Israel (Rick Wiles says the same) for a period of 7 years to control and spy every single human in the world (notice that Israel already is a major power in electronic surveillance) after a major event wich will happen in, or around, the midterms.
Using Israel countries will avoid domestic legislation for mass surveillance, as already happened when countries accepted the WHO declaration of "world epidemic", even without proofs.
Thomas D. Ice concluded in his essay "The Ethnicity of the Antichrist", 2009, " It appears that he will be a Gentile and will arise from within the Revived Roman Empire. In the middle of the tribulation (2026/2030 ?) he will take his seat in Israel's rebuilt Temple and claim to be God Himself (2 Thess. 2:4). His career will be a short-lived seven-year period for which he will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire upon Christ's return to planet earth (Rev. 19:20; 20:10)."
6 - The Tribulation, or Jacob's trouble (jacobinism terror?), will last for 7 years till December 2029, when Jesus Christ will come to destroy the antichrist "in the lake of fire". Some people says that European Union will collapse by 2028, and UN have the Agenda 2030 prepared to target the middle-class. Will Jesus Christ destroy de EU and the UN also, as armies of the antichrist?
7 – Another hypothesis: in June 6, 2026, (6,6,6) there's a major event, darkness in all the planet for three long days to impose the beast system, than the antichrist tag everyone with the mark of the beast by digital devices. Everyone will use, since then, the 666 number to access the beast /brutal system, because the 666 is a date that testifies the witnesses of the date June 6, 2026, (6,6,6), and not anymore the witnesses of Jesus Christ.
Drones and robot-soldiers will be programed to attack "non-identified beings", those who don't have digital ID, the mark of the beast. The dissidents, will be easily targeted, most jews and christians.
The witnesses of Christ (humanity) will be persecuted and killed, but not the witnesses of the terrible and traumatic day June 6, 2026. The antichrist will prepare something terrible in June 6, 2026 to deceive everyone and get compliance.
After 3 years and a half, in 2030, the antichrist "will take his seat in Israel, and claim to be God Himself", it means imposes UN 2030 Agenda, the World Government and the digital system without any resistence.
8 - My personal questions are: must we accept the prophecy, wait Jesus Christ as an individual come to solve the tribulations in 2029 (or 2033) or we all are Jesus Christ already in spiritual action? Should we resign? Because if we stop the future tribulations the prophecy of Daniel and John's revelations means nothing, isn't it? Are we condemn to face the tribulations?
Deus te abençoe pela eternidade.
Olhem à vossa volta e leia isto:
1 - Acording to Daniel Prophecy, the antichrist will reign for a period of 7 years, divided in two periods, of three and a half years.
2 - I think this 7 year period will begin in December 2022, why?
a) In the year 2026, June 6 (notice the 6,6,6, symbolic strong here) there will be a major event acording to this view (i think the author is someone conected to Artificial Inteligence, central banker or international inteligentia, warning us)
Also, Dr. Zelenko mentioned "2026 as the year of the colapse of the system (social security and medicare) wich create a tsunami effect in global economy" and "Schwabb said in 2016, that in ten years, right before the collapse (2026) 7 billion people will tag with digital tracking devices, biometric sensors wich transmit biometric data for a third party"
b) If June 6, 2026 is true, note that this apocalyptic day is around the middle of the year, (but NOT IN THE MIDDLE), it will divide the 7 years Tribulation of Daniel's prophecy in the two periods of the three and a half years (also there will be a major solar eclipse in August 2026)
c) So, the first period of the antichrist, of 3 years and a half, wil begin in the 6 of December of 2022 - after the midterms. There's something planned for the midterms to rise the antichrist, wich we know is a system, not only a man of sin (or destruction, Schwabb, Hillary); to beggin this system, they need a major open cyberattack, or a dramatic false flag, to the midterms to justify not only the electoral fraud in 2020, also the new antichrist system to control everyone and send Trump supporters, christians to FEMA camps: stadiuns, malls, schools - if Harris will replace Biden after a false flag assassination , and Hillary will replace Harris, imagine who will be THE MAN of sin to deceive all !
From Wikipedia: "In a Christmas 2018 interview on Russian state television, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow warned that "The Antichrist is the person that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling all of humanity. That means that the structure itself poses a danger (...) if we don't want to bring on the apocalypse."
3 - Acording to the Hal Turner Radio Show,
I quote, "Israel led a 10-country, simulation of a major cyberattack on the world's financial system by "sophisticated" players, with the goal of minimizing the damage to banks and financial markets. Some observers think they're prepping for what they know is coming because THEY will be the ones doing the attacks!"
4 - The prophecy of Daniel, talks about the 10 horns wich are 10 nations, and in this exercice included "representatives from 10 countries/nations, the US, UK, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Thailand", also the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. (NATO started with 10 countries, EEC started with 10 countries).
5 - It means that the antichrist will be instaled in Israel (Rick Wiles says the same) for a period of 7 years to control and spy every single human in the world (notice that Israel already is a major power in electronic surveillance) after a major event wich will happen in, or around, the midterms.
Using Israel countries will avoid domestic legislation for mass surveillance, as already happened when countries accepted the WHO declaration of "world epidemic", even without proofs.
Thomas D. Ice concluded in his essay "The Ethnicity of the Antichrist", 2009, " It appears that he will be a Gentile and will arise from within the Revived Roman Empire. In the middle of the tribulation (2026/2030 ?) he will take his seat in Israel's rebuilt Temple and claim to be God Himself (2 Thess. 2:4). His career will be a short-lived seven-year period for which he will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire upon Christ's return to planet earth (Rev. 19:20; 20:10)."
6 - The Tribulation, or Jacob's trouble (jacobinism terror?), will last for 7 years till December 2029, when Jesus Christ will come to destroy the antichrist "in the lake of fire". Some people says that European Union will collapse by 2028, and UN have the Agenda 2030 prepared to target the middle-class. Will Jesus Christ destroy de EU and the UN also, as armies of the antichrist?
7 – Another hypothesis: in June 6, 2026, (6,6,6) there's a major event, darkness in all the planet for three long days to impose the beast system, than the antichrist tag everyone with the mark of the beast by digital devices. Everyone will use, since then, the 666 number to access the beast /brutal system, because the 666 is a date that testifies the witnesses of the date June 6, 2026, (6,6,6), and not anymore the witnesses of Jesus Christ.
Drones and robot-soldiers will be programed to attack "non-identified beings", those who don't have digital ID, the mark of the beast. The dissidents, will be easily targeted, most jews and christians.
The witnesses of Christ (humanity) will be persecuted and killed, but not the witnesses of the terrible and traumatic day June 6, 2026. The antichrist will prepare something terrible in June 6, 2026 to deceive everyone and get compliance.
After 3 years and a half, in 2030, the antichrist "will take his seat in Israel, and claim to be God Himself", it means imposes UN 2030 Agenda, the World Government and the digital system without any resistence.
8 - My personal questions are: must we accept the prophecy, wait Jesus Christ as an individual come to solve the tribulations in 2029 (or 2033) or we all are Jesus Christ already in spiritual action? Should we resign? Because if we stop the future tribulations the prophecy of Daniel and John's revelations means nothing, isn't it? Are we condemn to face the tribulations?
Deus te abençoe pela eternidade.
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